Home Remedy to Get Rid of Flies

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Flies [Do They Really Work]

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Flies


Let’s face it, having flies in your house can be extremely annoying. As much as they are not exactly harmful, we would much rather spend time in our homes fly-free.

Going out and buying countless bug-killing sprays and other methods isn’t always the best option for you or for the flies, so keep reading to find out some home remedies to get rid of flies. 


Get Rid of Food Sources.

The first step in getting rid of flies inside is to get rid of any kind of ‘food’ for them. Think of dirty dishes that are left in the sink, trashcans with no lid, compost bins, any kind of left out pet food are deliciously attractive to flies.


In order to keep this rhythm going, the best thing is to do a fly food check once a week and make sure that none of the things mentioned above is being left out for too long.


Vinegar and Dish Soap.


One way to trap flies is the vinegar and dish soap method. In a tall glass or even a bowl, mix a few drops of dish soap with about an inch of apple cider vinegar.


Cover the mixture with plastic wrap and afterwards secure it with a rubber band, poke small holes in it at the top with a toothpick (or anything you have). The flies will be attracted to the vinegar and will want to go inside, but the dish soap will make then sink instead of them flying away again.


Sugar Water or Honey.


A lazier version of the Vinegar and Dish Soap method is the sugar water or honey approach. Again, taking a tall glass or a bowl, place sugar water or honey at the bottom of it, this will attract flies and it will be a way to capture them.

Cayenne Pepper and Water.


Another potion that you can use, and which might be a little easier to make, is that of cayenne pepper and water.

Cayenne pepper is a natural fly repellent, so mix some cayenne pepper with water in a spray bottle and spray it around the house as a quick and easy way to get rid of flies.


Venus Flytrap.


Home Remedy to Get Rid of Flies [Do They Really Work]


Probably the most natural remedy for getting rid of flies is the meat-eating plant called the Venus flytrap. This plant will capture flies by closing around it, it will then release certain fluids to dissolve the insect, and after a few days it will spit out the remains, and the best part is that you don’t have to lift a finger.


Herbs and assorted flowers.


Both herbs and flowers are a great natural way to keep flies at bay. These can be planted outside in your garden and also indoors.


Below are some of the known herbs and flowers that can repel flies.


  • lavender
  • Bay leaves
  • Tansy
  • Basil
  • Rosemary
  • Marigold
  • Mint
  • Catnip

This article over at backyard boss lists 13 plants that repel flies.


Essential Oils.

Essential oils are perfect for getting rid of flies. Many oils have strong odours that flies hate. An easy way to use essential oils at home is by making your own fly repelling spray.


Some of the best essential oils to use are:


  • Cinnamon
  • lemongrass
  •  Clove
  • Rosemary
  • Peppermint
  • Lavender
  • Mint


We have also written a full article about essential oils which you can see here: 5 Essential Oils To Get Rid of Flies

How to make your own fly spray.

  1. Add 5-10 drops of each essential oil to a spray bottle.
  2. Next, add 2 cups of water and 2 cups of non-flavoured vodka.
  3. Finally, shake the bottle to blend the ingredients.

Eucalyptus Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar.

This fly-repellent concoction is especially effective against house flies.

What will you need?


  • A cheap spray bottle.
  • 30 drops of eucalyptus oil. (depending on the potency of the oil you pick)
  • ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • ¼ cup of witch hazel.

How To Make.

  1. Add the apple cider vinegar to the spray bottle.
  2. Then mix in the witch hazel.
  3. Shake the bottle well.
  4. Finally, add the essential oil and shake again.
  5. Your fly repellent spray is ready to use.

Homemade Fly Traps.


Home Remedy to Get Rid of Flies


You do not need to spend much money if you want to make your own fly trap.

Killing flies and any other small pests do not have to be expensive.

There are lots of cheap and simple solutions you can use for both indoor and outdoor fly traps.

Materials needed for an indoor homemade fly trap.


A large empty water bottle – Filled halfway with water.

Dish soap – This helps to keep flies from flying back out once they’ve hit the water.

Maple Syrup – If you add maple syrup, it makes the water stickier and harder for the flies to get out.

This article making a homemade fly trap has plenty more suggestions and guides for you.

Outdoor fly trap materials.


You can use the same as above but try adding some of the following.

  • Sliced up apple chunks
  • Banana
  • Raw meat
  • Cooked vegetables

Basically, use anything that will rot and decay, this will attract flies.

The smellier it is, the more flies it will attract.



To sum up, none of the home remedies to get rid of flies that were mentioned above will make you break a sweat. Keeping flies out of your house by using stuff that you probably already have is quite easy.


Thankfully, The only item that you most likely don’t already own is a Venus flytrap, and if you do, kudos to you.


If you want to try making your own traps and repellents we have written this article – Natural Fly Killer Recipes. 


You may also find non-toxic fly traps a useful read.


Related Articles:

Best Electric Fly Swatters Reviewed.

Homemade Fly Traps.

Fly Killer Reviews.


  1.  How To Get Rid Of House Flies
  2. Get Rid Of Flies Indoors
  3. Rid Of Flies