The Fly Problem During Summer
At any time of the year, but more specifically the summer months, you tend to observe more flies making their way inside of your home. You always have the option to have your entire home sealed shut and tight from its every corner, door, nook, cranny, and window.
However, this is in no way the kind of life that you want to live with for the rest of your life. One thing in mind you must think of is a homemade fly killer spray.
There might be many other known fly killer sprays in the market today but to spend money on pests is not so satisfying after all. Pests, such as flies, are considered a nuisance to any homeowner and no one deserves to be living with them.
Exterminating them does not have to be costly. In fact, you can get a resolution to fly infestation without spending any amount. It takes utmost cleanliness and regular sanitation to effectively repel flies away from your property.
So, what do you do?
When it comes to common household flies, most homeowners resort to the use of homemade fly killer spray composed of harsh and strong chemicals to get rid such flies. On the other hand, some homeowners come to the point of using their newspapers or wet tea towels to swat each and every one of them.
Choosing to do either or both of these things not just waste your time but also can be dangerous to your health and those around you. You do not have to use harsh chemicals just to exterminate pests, such as flies.
Flies are not so tough creatures so there is no point to use strong sprays on them. You might end up killing your plants and other harmless insects around your premises if you continue to use harmful chemicals in exterminating flies.
Going Natural: Homemade Fly Killer Spray
As a starter, there are natural ingredients that you can combine to create an effective repellent for flies. If you do not want to go all through the hassle, you can always buy one at a local store.

Do you have any other options? Of course, you do!
For starters, you can forget about these pests and spend some time on the beach. And not have to bother yourself with swatting each one of them or using some harsh fly sprays to get rid of them.
However, your fly problem does not disappear when you do this, right? Lucky you, there is a better option for taking care of your fly issues at home. You call them homemade fly killer sprays.
Basically, these sprays contain all-natural ingredients making them cheaper and much safer to use when you have pets and children inside of your home. You can even include your favorite scent on the sprays so that there will be no unwanted smell when you use them.
How To Make A Homemade Fly Killer Spray
You do not have to use harsh chemicals just to exterminate pests, such as flies. Flies are not so tough creatures so there is no point to use strong sprays on them. You might end up killing your plants and other harmless insects around your premises if you continue to use harmful chemicals in exterminating flies.
As a starter, there are natural ingredients that you can combine to create an effective repellent for flies. If you do not want to go all through the hassle, you can always buy one at a local store.
Ingredients and Processes
What follows are some natural ingredients that you can put inside of your home or your homemade fly killer spray.
All species of flies are not big fans of the scent of basil. Aside from You can have some basil plants placed in certain portions of your kitchen, and you will immediately see a positive change. In addition, basil can also serve as a good garnish for your recipes.
Basil has this minty smell that flies hate. With a sufficient amount of basil in your fly spray, it can easily repel flies from entering your property. Basil does not leave a strong smell to humans which is why it is the most recommended ingredient for insect repellent sprays.
Again, flies cannot take the smell of cloves. For areas of your home that have the most presence of flies, have bowls of dried cloves set up in each room and then you will no longer have these flies in your area.
Though this natural ingredient is very much effective in keeping flies away, if you cannot stand the smell of cloves, then you may also disappear from the area. So, weigh your options carefully.
It is highly recommended that you put a load of cloves outside your property, preferable just outside the windows. This way, you will not be able to readily smell the odor of cloves, which can be irritating to the nose.
Marigold, lavender, and mint:
Have these plants planted outside of your lawn and have them in pots while inside. These natural ingredients yet again stop flies from even entering the inside of your home. Such plants emit a natural scent that flies cannot just handle. Flies will hesitate to enter your property if these plants are set just outside or near their main entry points. Consider having one of these plants on your window and garden.
You may choose to use this ingredient as your very own air freshener because as usual, flies are no fans of them. Cinnamon is even used commercially for aerosol sprays. It is not very smelly, unlike other natural fly repellent ingredients.
Cinnamon is also very affordable, making the homemade fly killer spray economical. If you want the smell of cinnamon in your home, you can include this to your homemade fly spray.
5. Lemongrass, peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender essential oils:
You can use all of these natural ingredients to keep flies away from your home. What is even better is that these oils are capable of bringing out the most beautiful aroma inside your home.
Essential oils can be quite expensive but they are definitely worth it. Make sure that you are purchasing high-quality essential oils in order to achieve the best results. Some essential oils have the benefit of repelling flies naturally, without the unnecessary smell.
Lavender, in specific, has the scent that flies could not take too long. However, its scent is very fragrant to human beings. You should not leave your home very smelly and unclean after attempting to exterminate flies inside.